Natalia Baranovskaya


Natalia Baranovskaya graduated from the Mikhail Glinka Minsk State Music College (vocal department), and later studied at the Belarusian State University of Culture and Art (drama directing), the Belarusian State Academy of Arts (musical theatre actress), the Belarusian State Academy of Music (musical theatre directing).

As a director, she works with a number of ensembles. Her collaborations with the Sonorus Musical Ensemble include Kuzya the House Spirit and the Chest of Fairy Tales, the musical and drama fantasy Peer Gynt by Edvard Grieg, the opera for children Puss in Boots by César Cui, the opera The Little Antiformalist Paradise by Dmitri Shostakovich.

At the Bolshoi Theatre of Belarus, she works with the artists of the Children’s Musical Theatre Studio and the opera soloists, stages productions for children and interactive, cultural and educational programmes as part of the project “Bolshoi Theatre for Children”, and directs concerts for the big stage of the theatre. She is a stage director of the third, fourth and fifth editions of the Minsk International Christmas Singing Competition, the Big New Year's Ball (2017, 2018, 2019), the Open Day (2016-2019) and many other projects of the theatre, including Gloria Bruni's opera Pinocchio (2020).

Natalia Baranovskaya is the author of the plays Kuzya the House Spirit and the Chest of Fairy Tales (staged for the Sonorus) and The New Year's Commotion in the Fairy Kingdom (staged at Belarusian State Academic Musical Theatre).

