Conquering the Top


On 9 January, ceremony to present For Spiritual Revival awards, special prizes to art luminaries, Belarusian Sports Olympus award took place at the Palace of the Republic. The head of state Alexander Lukashenko personally presented the awards.

According to the President, patriotism and spirituality are inseparable concepts, because all the best things in life begin with love… Love for relatives and friends, a birthplace, Fatherland. This is what inspires us to serve truly noble goals.

The opera soloist of the Bolshoi Theatre of Belarus, manager of the opera company, People's Artist of the country Anastasia Moskvina was also awarded a special prize to people of culture and art.

The awarding ceremony was followed by a concert directed by the recipient of the Francysk Skaryna Medal Anna Motornaya. The programme featured orchestra, opera and ballet soloists of the Bolshoi Theatre of Belarus: the People's Artists Anastasia Moskvina, Vladimir Gromov, Anton Kravchenko, Honoured Artist of the Republic Liudmila Khitrova, winners of international competitions Daria Gorozhanko, Alexander Mikhniuk, Alexander Gelakh, Taras Prysiazhniuk, Konstantin Belokhvostik, Denis Shpak, etc.


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