When this production appeared at the Bolshoi Theatre of Belarus in far 1980, the ballet admirers from the whole Soviet Union came to the small Republic to see this masterpiece created by the real masters: composer Aram Khachaturian, choreographer Valentin Elizariev, conductor Yaroslav Voshchak and designer Eugene Lysik. Over the decades of its existence, this ballet has conquered almost the whole world. Audiences in Europe and Asia (in the UK, Belgium, France, Switzerland, Holland, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Greece, Poland, Russia, Lithuania, Estonia, Moldova, Egypt, Syria, Thailand, Singapore, India, Turkey, South Korea, Cyprus, China and other countries) applauded the Belarusian artists .
On 3 and 4 May, citizens and guests of Beijing were able to see the legendary Aram Khachaturian’s Spartacus, which start the new life in 2017. This year the revival of the production took place. (It was staged by the artistic director of the Bolshoi Theatre of Belarus, People's Artist of the USSR and Belarus, professor Valentin Elizariev).
Today there are a lot of versions of Spartacus, but only a few of them can be considered legendary. The Belarusian Elizariev’s production, without false modesty, is one of them. It is truly milestone production for the world of ballet. It is production of incredible spiritual power, the pinnacle of true art, wonderful work that combines the tradition of classical ballet, bright Elizariev’s choreographic style, profound philosophical understanding of life and its values, chief among them is Love. Spartacus I often called a "male ballet", but maestro Elizariev doesn't agree with that. ‘Love is always in the limelight. In this ballet, it is the soul of the production... And where love triumphs, there is a woman, first of all…’
The Bolshoi Theatre has visited China many times. Our artists performed at the National Centre for the Performing Arts two years ago. In May 2017, we presented Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake within the days of Belarusian culture in China. This time the Belarusian Bolshoi will present the performance, each scene of which is filled with courage and sentimentality, real hatred and true love. Maybe that is why Aram Khachaturian’s Spartacus staged by Valentin Elizariev has been living on the Belarusian stage for almost 40 years.
Spartacus is one of the most popular productions of the theatre. About 50 artists take part in this production. And they tell us the story of the most famous uprising against Rome, which was led by the noble Thracian Spartacus, whose name lives for centuries.
On 3 and 4 May the leading roles featured People's Artist Irina Eromkina, Honoured Artists of the Republic Oleg Eromkin and Konstantin Geronik, winners of international competitions Yana Shtangei, Igor Onoshko and Egor Azarkevich.