Theatre today
The first Branch of the Bolshoi Theatre of the Republic of Belarus was opened in Mogilev on 13 December 2011.
The tripartite agreement, sighed by the Bolshoi Opera and Ballet Theatre of the Republic of Belarus, the Culture Administration of Mogilev Regional Executive Committee and the Regional Palace of Culture stipulates an initiative unprecedented in its scale: since December performances and concerts are to be held on the stage of the Regional Palace of Culture in Mogilev every month.
On the opening day of its Mogilev Branch the National Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre of the Republic of Belarus presented the ballet Gisele by Adolphe Charles Adam performed by the leading theatre stars – ballet dancer Anna Fokina in the part of Gisele and the National Artist of Belarus Igor Artamonov in the part of Albert.
The first presentation of this masterpiece of classics and the oldest ballet which maintained its original choreography style took place in Paris in June 1841. The story is borrowed from an ancient German legend about the girls who die before the marriage and then, turned into vilises, take revenge on strangers making them die of dancing. For over half a year Gisele has been one of the most popular ballets. Today the classical version of the performance is shown on the stages of the Bolshoi Theatre of Russia, the Mariinsky Theatre in Saint-Petersburg, La Scala Theatre in Milan and other major theatres of the world. The performance is by right considered the top of romantic arts.
The next programme of the Bolshoi Theatre of the Republic of Belarus will present The Evening of the Old Romance Songs with the participation of the leading opera soloists, spectacular ballet Don Quixote by Ludwig Minkus and immortal La Traviata by Giuseppe Verdi on the stage of the Regional Palace of Culture.
Along with the major projects such as the festival of opera and ballet arts The Bolshoi Theatre Evenings at the Radziwills’ Palace, Minsk International Christmas Opera Forum, The Bolshoi New Year’s Ball, which have already become traditional, the current project of the National Academic Bolshoi Opera and Ballet Theatre is an integral part of its educational and social mission. Expanding the geography of the tours of the leading stars, the Bolshoi Theatre intends to present the treasures of the world classical music arts to the audience all over the country, to increase the audience, to find more opportunities to aesthetic education of the youth and familiarize the audience with high art.