Большой театр Беларуси


19, 21 March 19:00

Ludwig Minkus

Don Quixote

ballet in three acts

Большой театр Беларуси


22 March 18:00

Richard Wagner

Der fliegende Holländer

opera in three acts




General Director of the National Academic Bolshoi Opera and Ballet Theatre of the Republic of Belarus Vladimir Gridiushko and General Director-Artistic Director of the Kyiv National Academic Theatre of Operetta Bogdan Strutinsky agreed to a mutually beneficial cooperation for the sake of effective development and strengthening ties between the countries.

This memorandum provides for: cooperation of high quality projects and productions of ballet, opera and symphonic music of Belarus and Germany; organization of guest performances of both companies; exchange of soloists and companies; creation of ballet and opera co-productions; organization of masterclasses of leading artists of both theatres; participation in musical competitions and festivals; exchange of directors, conductors, designers, lighting designers, etc.; continual exchange of information on significant events in musical and theatrical life of both countries.

After signing the memorandum, People's Artist of Ukraine Bogdan Strutinsky said that his acquaintance with the Belarusian Bolshoi Theatre was two years ago, when he and his Ukrainian colleagues came to Minsk. Closer acquaintance with the management and artists of the Belarusian theatre took place in Ukraine at the Opera Europa festival, which was attended by 166 theatres of the world.

The national operetta of Ukraine has several stages. Famous productions from the repertoire of the theater (musicals, operettas, as well as numerous international concerts) are performed on the main stage. “Theatre in the foyer” is a small stage of the national operetta of Ukraine. Here the audience can seat at comfortable tables and chamber orchestra plays music by Offenbach, Donizetti, Mozart, etc. The young directors experiment with space and dramaturgy on venues "Scene 77" and Stage_Lab. In 2013, the Ivan Kozlovsky Art and Concert Center of the Kyiv National Academic Theatre of Operetta was established as a multifunctional theatre and concert cultural institution.



