227,5 thousand (!) spectators visited our productions and concerts. We found out such happy news on the World Theatre Day, which was initiated by UNESCO in 1961 and celebrated on 27 March.
And we want to say ‘thank you’ to every spectator! Thank you for your love. Thank you for the fact that you are interested in both performances on the big hall and theatrical concert programs in the Chamber hall, and tickets are sold out couple of month in advance. Thank you for admiring each premiere. Thank you for coming to see productions, which are more than 20 years old, and find fresh colors in them.
Dear and beloved audience, we are waiting for you at the Bolshoi Theatre of Belarus every evening!
According to BelTA, at the end of 2017 there are 29 professional theaters in Belarus: 20 drama and music theatres, 8 theatres for young audiences, 1 opera and ballet theatre. The repertoire comprised 1078 performances, including 159 new productions, 362 productions by Belarusian authors, 417 productions for children. 1665.7 thousand spectators visited the theaters of the Republic in 2017.
Top 5 the most visited theaters are: the Bolshoi Theatre of Belarus (227,5 thousand spectators), Belarusian State Academic Musical Theatre (128,5 thousand spectators), Grodno Regional Puppet Theatre (92,1 thousand spectators), Gomel Regional Drama Theatre (82,2 thousand spectators), Mogilev State Regional Drama and Comedy Theater of V. I. Dunin-Martsinkevich (74,5 thousand spectators). (http://www.belta.by/infographica/view/teatry-belarusi-11676/)