Gioachino Rossini
Il Barbiere di Siviglia

comic opera in two acts

Tuesday | 8 October 2024|19:00

Age 12+

Дирижер – Владимир Оводок


Libretto: Cesare Sterbini based on the eponymous comedy by Pierre-Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais
Musical director: Vladimir Ovodok
Director: Aldo Tarabella (Italy)
Designer (sets and costumes): Enrico Musenich (Italy)
Chorus master: People’s Artist of Belarus, laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Belarus Nina Lomanovich
Lighting designer: Lyudmila Kunash
Conductor: Yuri Karavaev 
Sung in Italian with Russian surtitles
Premiere: 6, 7 June 2023 


Граф Альмавива – Юрий Городецкий

Фигаро – Денис Янцевич

Бартоло – Руслан Маспанов

Розина – Мария Булда (1-е исп.)

Базилио – Андрей Селютин

Берта – Ольга Малиновская

Фиорелло – Александр Краснодубский

Офицер – Владислав Зозулько (1-е исп.)


Act 1


At dawn, musicians gather under the balcony of one of the houses of Seville: Count Almaviva has invited them to perform his serenade to the beautiful Rosina. The efforts of the man in love are in vain – Rosina's window is closed. The silence is broken only by the song of a local barber, Figaro, who boasts of his knack and skill. The count has known this guy for a long time, he is glad to meet him, hoping that he will be able to help him arrange a date with Rosina. Figaro readily gets down to the affair. An overheard conversation reveals to them the intentions of the girl's guardian, Dr Bartolo: the old miser intends to marry her.


Figaro instantly devises a plan. The count, who does not want to reveal his wealth and status to his beloved, appears as a poor young man, Lindoro, whose devoted heart is his only wealth. This time Rosina immediately responds to his singing, but her answer is interrupted: obviously, someone has entered the room. Figaro offers the count, disguised as a soldier (the regiment is just entering the city), to occupy Bartolo's house, because the city dwellers are obliged to quarter the soldiers, and at the same time to pretend to be drunk, so there will be less suspicion.


Figaro, a regular guest at the Bartolo's, manages to talk to Rosina and assure her of his support: he knows exactly how to reunite the hearts in love.


Dr Bartolo meets with his confidant, music teacher Don Basilio. Basilio explains to him how to discourage the young suitor: there is a proven remedy, slander, but the doctor decides to act in his own way. Figaro eavesdrops on the schemers’ conversation and after their departure informs Rosina about the danger that threatens her. The girl is happy, because now she knows for sure that Lindoro loves her. Figaro takes the letter from her to give it to the count.

Soon Almaviva appears in the house, disguised as a soldier. He pretends to be drunk and demands lodging, waving a quarterage paper under the doctor's nose. The count fully gets into the role of a drunken warrior and makes such a scandal that the police intervene in it. The annoying soldier is about to be taken to prison, but he gives the head of the guard a paper proving his real name and rank, and the brave officer, frozen with amazement, salutes the count.


Act 2


Almaviva reappears at Dr Bartolo's house, this time in the role of a singing teacher. He reports that Don Basilio, Rosina's teacher, is ill and therefore has sent him, Don Alonso, his disciple, in his place. A worried Bartolo is going to visit the sick man, but “Don Alonso” stops him. He has brought Rosina’s letter, accidentally found, to show it to the girl during the lesson, saying that it has been given by the count's mistress. And he will be disgraced! Bartolo is delighted. Rosina enters. She immediately recognizes her beloved Lindoro in the new singing teacher. Figaro interrupts the lesson that has barely begun: he has come to shave the doctor. The doctor is forced to agree: let the barber take the keys to the office and bring shaving accessories. Figaro cheerfully winks at the lovers and leaves. The sound of broken dishes is heard from the office, and Bartolo hurries there, having to leave the happy lovers alone.

Suddenly, the real singing teacher, Don Basilio, appears. Bartolo is surprised, because Don Basilio is supposed to be ill. Figaro tries to distract him from questioning the “patient” –  it's time to shave. “Don Alonso” tells the doctor that Basilio does not know about the note and should be escorted out. Everyone resourcefully begins to convince the music teacher that he is shaking with fever, and when Almaviva puts a wallet in his hand, Don Basilio realizes that it is best for him to really return home and go to bed.


During the “lesson” the lovers cannot stay alone. The guardian does not leave them for a moment. However, the cunning Figaro takes care that Bartolo does not get pleasure from peeping. Rosina and the count arrange a meeting at midnight. The count tries to warn Rosina about the forced (for good measure) transfer of her letter to Bartolo, but the doctor hears his words; beside himself with anger, he quickly drives away Figaro and the uninvited music teacher. Now Bartolo does not want to postpone his marriage for an instant and immediately sends Basilio for a notary. He comes up with the idea of using the letter given to him by the count as proof of her suitor's infidelity, which means that he is courting Rosina as a flunky of the rich Count Almaviva. Seeing the girl's despair and learning that at midnight the count and Figaro will come for her, Bartolo runs to the police for help.


The storm begins. Figaro and Almaviva enter the house through the balcony. They explain to Rosina that Lindoro and Count Almaviva are one and the same. The moment has finally come when she can free herself from the captivity of her guardian and marry her beloved. Basilio returns with the notary for whom the doctor has sent him. The cunning barber immediately comes up with a new plan: he introduces Rosina to the notary as his niece, the bride of Count Almaviva. Don Basilio will be the best man. Basilio tries to protest, but the count makes him understand that he has a choice: a ring with a precious stone or a bullet in the forehead. Basilio's response is immediate. The contract is drawn up and successfully signed. The idyll is broken only by the appearance of Bartolo, accompanied by soldiers, who demands that the thieves be arrested. The officer invites the count to identify himself, which he publicly does, presenting Rosina as his lawful spouse. Bartolo is fooled! Now he can no longer interfere with the happiness of the lovers.


