Giuseppe Verdi

opera in four acts

Tuesday | 22 October 2024|19:00

Age 12+

Дирижер – Артем Макаров


Libretto: Antonio Ghislanzoni, Camille du Locle on scenario by Auguste Mariette
Director: recipient of the Francysk Skaryna Medal Mikhail Pandzhavidze
Designer: People’s Artist of Belarus, laureate of the State Prize of the USSR Yevgeny Chemodurov
Chorus master: People’s Artist of Belarus, laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Belarus Nina Lomanovich
Choreography: recipient of the Francysk Skaryna Medal Aleksandra Tikhomirova
Revival designer: recipient of the Francysk Skaryna Medal, laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Kostiuchenko
Costume designer: Ekaterina Bulgakova
Lighting designer: Sergey Shevchenko
Conductor: Vladimir Ovodok
Running time: 3 hours 30 minutes with three intervals
Sung in Italian with Russian surtitles
Premiere: 30 May 2011


Аида – Марта Данусевич (1-е исп.)

Амнерис – Оксана Волкова

Радамес – Дмитрий Шабетя

Рамфис – Андрей Валентий

Амонасро – Владимир Громов

Царь Египта – Владислав Зозулько (1-е исп.)

Гонец – Иосиф Никитенко

Жрица – Анастасия Лурикова

Солисты балета – Диана Лысенко, Сергей Туцкий


Act 1

The King’s palace in Memphis. Ramfis, the High Priest of the God Ptah, informs the Captain of the Guard Radames about the  invasion of the  Ethiopian army. Radames cherishes a dream to lead the Egyptian army and conquer the foe. The reward will be the freedom of Radames’ beloved, the Pharaoh’s slave Aida.

Pleasant dreams are interrupted by the arrival of the King’s daughter Amneris. Being secretly in love with Radames herself, the princess is tortured with jealous suspicions – when she sees Aida and Radames, she guesses of their feelings.

The King of Egypt makes a grand entrance onto the square accompanied by Ramfis, the priests, commanders and courtiers. A Messenger informs them that the Holy Land of Egypt is ravaged by the barbarians, led by their king, the evil and relentless warrior Amonasro. Aida is terrified - she hears her father’s name. The king proclaims the will of the Goddes Izida – Radames will lead the army into the battle against the Ethiopians. Aida is torn between the love for Radames and the fear for her father and her people. She prays to the gods for death.
The ceremony of Radames’ initiation  is held in the temple of Ptah. The priests beseech the heavens for Egypt’s victory. Having performed a sinister magic ritual, Ramfis hands Radames the sword, stained with Ethiopian blood.

Amneris is waiting for her beloved to return. Young Egyptians gather in her chamber – aggressive warriors who hold the future of Egypt in their hands. They kill a young Ethiopian slave with uncontrollable anger. Entering the room, Aida sees the body of the slain youth – he embodies  the suffering and oppressed people of Ethiopia.

When Amneris sees Aida, her jealousy awakens with new power. Wishing to find out their secret, the King’s daughter tells the slave about the alleged death of Radames. Aida can’t contain her grief. In fury and anger the Princess threatens Aida with terrible punishment.

Act 2

The square in Thebes. The people hail the Egyptian troops. The captured Ethiopians are led in before the King and his courtiers, Aida recognizes her father among them. Amonasro asks his daughter not to give him away (nobody should know his name and title), he calls himself one of the soldiers of the dead Ethiopian ruler and entreats the King to spare him. The slaves, Aida and the people join him. Radames’s heart is full of love for Aida, the throne of Egypt is not worth her tears. He asks the King to spare the captives. On Radames’s advice the King decides to leave Aida and Amonasro in custody, and give his daughter’s hand in marriage to the conqueror. Radames and Aida are confused, Amneris triumphs.

Act 3

In the temple of Ptah the funeral of the father of Amneris is under way. She becomes the Pharaoh and prepares for the wedding with Radames.

In apprehension Aida is waiting for Radames on the banks of the Nile; if he comes to bid her farewell, the Nile will become her grave. Wistfully Aida remembers her beautiful homeland that she will never see again.

Suddenly Amonasro appears. He knows about his daughter’s love for Radames. The Ethiopian ruler demands Aida to take advantage of Radames’s feelings and to find out which route  the Egyptian troops will take. Aida is distraught – she cannot betray her beloved. The infuriated Amonasro curses his daughter: she  - a slave of the Pharaohs, that betrayed her blood, homeland and people. Mortified by his reproaches Aida is ready to sacrifice her love.

Radames appears. He is anticipating  the coming victory, happiness and love. Aida, on the other hand, is  full of gloomy foreboding – how can Radames go against Amneris, the will of the High Priests and the people? Only one thing can save their love – the escape to her homeland. Radames is confused, but Aida’s reproaches and persistence make him forget about everything and change his mind. And when Aida asks him about the route that will be taken by the Egyptians, Radames reveals the secret. Amonasro triumphs – the Ethiopians will definitely win, Radames is in despair – he unwittingly betrayed his homeland. Aida and her father try to calm him down and escape, but they are prevented by Ramfis. Radames gives himself over, Amonasro is killed, Aida surreptitiously flees to the dungeons of the temple.

Act 4

The High Priests are preparing for Radames’ trial. The tormented Amneris entreats him to admit his guilt by promising him life if he renounces Aida. But Radames is unbending – for the sake of Aida’s love he sacrificed his honour and homeland. Amneris is in despair; she either threatens Radames with terrible revenge, or passionately prays to the Gods to save him.

The High Priest Ramfis pronounces the sentence – the traitor will be buried alive in the dungeon underneath the altar of the God of Ptah. Devastated, helpless Amneris curses the priests in despair.

On the verge of  death, in the dungeon of the temple, Radames remembers his beloved. Suddenly Aida appears, she wants to die with Radames. Only at death’s door can they no longer hide their love.

The priests’ singing can be heard.  Overcome with grief Amneris prays for peace and deliverance by the rock that closes the entrance to the dungeon….

Performance-winner of the second National Theatre Prize of the Republic of Belarus in the nomination 'The Best Musical Performance'

