Giacomo Puccini
La bohème

opera in four acts (performed with one interval)

Thursday | 31 October 2024|19:00

Age 12+

Дирижер – Виталий Грищенко


Libretto: Giuseppe Giacosa and Luigi Illica, based on the novel Scènes de la vie de bohème by Henri Murger
Musical director: Honoured Artist of Ukraine Viktor Ploskina
Director: People’s Artist of the Russian Federation, laureate of the State Prize of the USSR Alexander Titel
Designer: Yuri Ustinov
Costume designer: Irina Akimova
Chorus master: People’s Artist of Belarus, laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Belarus Nina Lomanovich
Choreography: winner of international competitions Olga Kostel
Lighting designer: Evgeny Vinogradov
Computer Graphics: Pavel Suvorov
Conductors: Vladimir Ovodok, Honoured Art Worker of the Republic of Belarus Nikolai Koliadko

Running time:  2 hours 10 minutes with one interval
Sung in Italian
Premiere: 25 April 2018


Мими – Елена Золова

Мюзетта – Анастасия Лурикова (1-е исп.)

Рудольф – Александр Михнюк

Марсель – Андрей Клипо

Шонар – Денис Янцевич

Колен – Дмитрий Капилов

Парпиньоль – Андрей Матюшонок

Бенуа – Руслан Маспанов

Альциндор – Владислав Зозулько

Сержант – Виктор Моисеев


Act 1

Christmas Eve. A spacious old shed rented for an exhibition. The effort of Rodolfo, a poet, and Marcello, a painter, to work is of no avail. It’s cold inside; moreover, the friends are starving. However, they take all the woes light-heartedly and try to keep warm by feeding the stove with Rodolfo’s hefty manuscript. They are soon joined by their friend Colline, a philosopher, numb with cold, and Schaunard, a musician, who has spent his casual remuneration on dainties, wine and firewood. Again in high spirits and buoyant mood, the friends play a trick on their landlord, Benoît, who has arrived to collect the rent, show him out and set off to a café. Rodolfo stays alone: he has to finish an article, but his attempt is interrupted by a hesitant knock at the door – it’s Mimì, a milliner, who has dropped in to make the acquaintance of her neighbours. The intention to light a candle, the search for the key she has dropped, the young people’s sweet chat give a start to a relationship between them. The romantic atmosphere is broken by Rodolfo’s friends who are calling out for him. Mimì asks Rodolfo to let her accompany him to the café. 


Act 2

The exhibition is busy and bustling. Marcello, Schaunard and Colline, followed by Rodolfo and Mimì, seat themselves at a table in the Café Momus. Marcello’s old flame, Musetta, makes an entrance on the arm of Alcindoro, her new wealthy admirer. Musetta has finished with Marcello: she is tired of the bohemian lifestyle, but she has never stopped loving him. Attempting to revenge himself on his former sweetheart for her infidelity, Marcello pretends not to notice her. His feigned indifference drives Musetta angry, but the presence of Alcindoro hampers her. The solution is finally found: sending Alcindoro off on a pretext, she hugs Marcello happily. The friends soon realize that they’ve run out of money. But Musetta finds a way out again: she tells the waiter that the bill will be settled by Alcindoro on his return.   


Act 3

A cold February morning two months later. The same shed. The exhibition has already been dismantled, but the small café in the corner is still open. It’s being cleaned, and foodstuffs and milk are being carried in. Marcello and Musetta have found temporary work and shelter here. Mimì arrives after another row with Rodolfo. She tells Marcello of the distress over her sweetheart’s incessant jealousy that has made their life together impossible. In turn, during his talk with Marcello Rodolfo blames Mimì’s light-mindedness and coquettishness, but then he reveals the truth: his beloved has contracted consumption. Mimì’s weeping gives away her presence. Rodolfo tries in vain to console her. Realizing that she is probably doomed, she insists that they separate. The sweethearts bid farewell. Suddenly a quarrel breaks out between Marcello and Musetta. The painter reproaches his girlfriend for her incorrigible flirtatiousness, and their reconciliation is followed by a split.


Act 4

Another two months have gone by; it’s April. Marcello and Rodolfo are trying to work, though their thoughts stray to their absent lovers. Schaunard and Colline bring some herring and a baguette, and the four friends pretend that they are enjoying a fine dinner party with dancing. Overwhelmed with apprehension, Musetta bursts in. She has taken Mimì with her, but the poor girl is too weak to step across the threshold. The friends bring the girl in and make her as comfortable as possible. It’s cold in the shed as before. Musetta decides to have her earrings sold so as to buy medicine for Mimì and to get a doctor. Marcello and she leave to fetch a muff for their girlfriend. Colline goes off to pawn his overcoat, and Schaunard departs to procure some money for a bottle of wine through playing. Mimì and her beloved are again alone together; she can hear his sweet words again.  Suddenly, Mimì starts choking. Hearing Rodolfo’s scream, the friends run in. Mimì slowly drifts into unconsciousness. She dies as quietly as she used to live before she met Rodolfo.       


