Pavel Valdgardt
The Cat's House

opera in two acts

Sunday | 1 November 2020|11:00

Age 0+

Опера «Кошкин дом», объявленная на 1 ноября, отменена. Билеты подлежат возврату до 30 ноября.


Based on Samuil Marshak's play
Musical director: Aleh Lessoun
Director: Daria Potaturko
Designer (sets, costumes): Ekaterina Shimanovich
Chorus master: Sergey Agranovich
Lighting and video design: Sergey Novitsky
Premiere: 14 March 2020


Act I 


Rabbits and Hedgehogs have so much fun in the forest: they play hide-and-seek and enjoy themselves. But Beavers-firefighters have no time to gambol, they protect the forest and its inhabitants from fire. 


Mrs Cat also has her own worries: her orphan-nephews Kittens ask to stay in her posh house. But auntie is too busy now, and the Cat-caretaker chases the orphans away from the yard.


Mrs Cat welcomes guests: Auntie Pig, Mr and Mrs Goat, Rooster and Hen. Everyone came to look at the rich house. There are mirrors, and furniture and a piano. And again the voices of Kittens are heard from the yard, the little ones ask to admit them into the house, feed and keep them warm. But Mrs Cat will not respond to Kittens request for help, she won't even let them in.


Well, the guests have gone, the hostess came out to see them off, and a spark from the fireplace set fire to the room. Neighbors and Beavers-firefighters run to help her. No matter how much they try to put out the fire, they could not cope with it. They didn't save the Cat’s house.


Act II


So Mr and Mrs Cat were left homeless. Where should they go now? Maybe friends-neighbors will help them! They went to Rooster and Hen, to Mr and Mrs Goat and to Auntie Pig and her family – no one wants to shelter the poor ones. And only orphan-nephews are ready to take care about the unexpected guests up in their feeble little house.


Time has passed and there was no news from Mrs Cat. And suddenly the news: Mrs Cat lives with the nephews, and not just lives, they built a new house, where they live happily together.

