Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Die Zauberflöte

opera in two acts

Wednesday | 25 September 2024|19:00

Age 12+

Дирижер – Владимир Оводок


Libretto: Emanuel Schikaneder
Musical director: Manfred Mayrhofer
Director: Hans-Joachim Frey
Designer: Hartmut Schörghofer
Chorus master: People’s Artist of Belarus, laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Belarus Nina Lomanovich
Lighting designer: Vladimir Sterlin
Conductors:  Yuri Karavaev, honoured Art Worker of the Republic of Belarus Nikolai Koliadko, Alexey Verhoven
Assistant directors: Andrei Petrov, Natalia Baranovskaya
Assistant designer: Christoph Norman Heinrich

Sung in German with Russian surtitles, the dialogues are performed in Russian
Running time: 2 hours 45 minutes with one interval
Premiere: 30 March 2017




Царица ночи – Мария Булда

Зарастро – Дмитрий Капилов

Тамино – Юрий Городецкий

Памина – Татьяна Гаврилова

Папагено – Андрей Клипо

Папагена – Марина Лихошерст

Моностатос – Иван Березин

Оратор – Руслан Маспанов

Первая Дама – Анастасия Храпицкая

Вторая Дама – Елена Золова

Третья Дама – Оксана Якушевич

Первый жрец, воин – Янош Нелепа

Второй жрец, воин – Руслан Маспанов

1-й мальчик – Анастасия Лурикова

2-й мальчик – Крискентия Стасенко

3-й мальчик – Дарья Горожанко


The action takes place in an imaginary world.

Act 1

Three ladies, who are in the service of the Queen of the Night, find Prince Tamino in her woods and save him from a terrible serpent. Struck by the boy’s handsomeness, the fearless amazons hurry to tell their mistress about him. Suddenly there appears a lad clad in a weird woody costume. It’s a bird catcher, Papageno, who claims that it is him who has killed the serpent. Back again, the three ladies punish him for his lies and tell the Prince about the beautiful Pamina, a daughter of the Queen of the Night. They give Tamino Pamina’s portrait. Tamino instantly falls in love with the portrayed image. Attracted by the pretty amazons, he is torn between the image of Pamina and the three ladies, but finally makes up his mind to set out to find Pamina.

The Queen of the Night enters. She promises Tamino to give Pamina in marriage with him if he rescues her from Sarastro’s captivity. The Queen gives Tamino a magic flute whose sound can charm everyone. If necessary, it can also become a weapon which will protect the Prince and save his life. Papageno is given silver bells which will also protect him in danger. Tamino and Papageno set forth.

The heroes find themselves by the sacred temple in the realm of Sarastro, the supreme priest of the temple of the Sun. They meet Monostatos there. He is a guard of the temple and is escorted everywhere by dark creatures, dwarfs. Monostatos tries to frighten Papageno away. The bird catcher does not give in, as he has bells with magic power! Monostatos is forced to yield and leave. Papageno meets Pamina, they both dream of love.

Prince Tamino enters. He tries the magic power of the flute, hoping this will lead Pamina to him. The sound of the flute tames animals and beasts. Monostatos finally captures Papageno and Pamina and takes them to Sarastro. Pamina is afraid of seeing Sarastro: will he condemn her for the attempt to flee? But Sarastro understands everything and is willing to forgive her. For the first time Pamina and Tamino stand in front of him together. Sarastro sets a condition: to prove the power of their love, they must undergo ordeals.     

Act 2

Tamino and Papageno start their severe trials. They have to undergo them all alone and not to breathe a word.

Meanwhile, Monostatos pursues Pamina. He is chased away by the arrival of the Queen of the Night. The Queen orders Pamina to murder Sarastro and gives her a dagger. Monostatos hears all the talk. He makes another attempt to win Pamina’s love.

Papageno cannot keep silent any more. An ugly old woman appears in front of him. She declares herself Papageno’s beloved.

Tamino plays the flute. Pamina runs in. The Prince’s silence drives her to despair: he no longer loves her! Tamino and Papageno set forth again.

The familiar old woman reappears next to Papageno and promises to be a good wife to him. A few moments later she turns into a pretty girl whose appearance and character resemble his, but they cannot be together as yet.

Pamina cannot live without Tamino’s love. She sees her consolation in death. Three boys comfort her.

Pamina and Tamino are taken to the temple where they will undergo the trial of fire and water. Protected by the power of the magic flute, they pass the ordeals unscathed.

The Queen of the Night, accompanied by the three ladies, amazons and her ally Monostatos, penetrate into the temple. The Queen is overwhelmed by the desire to engage in mortal combat with Sarastro.

Sarastro and his priests enter: he is ready for the fight. Day breaks. The sun’s rays defeat the darkness, and the power of the Queen of the Night vanishes. The Queen and her retinue realize that they have no chance to win and kneel before Sarastro.  

Sarastro and the Queen of the Night make peace. Tamino and Pamina have passed all the trials with dignity and will never part. Papageno and Papagena are overjoyed at their woody world. Everyone praises Tamino and Pamina. Sarastro gives his blessing to the happy couple.     


