Richard Wagner
Der fliegende Holländer
opera in three acts Saturday | 22 March 2025|18:00
Age 12+ Дирижер – Артем Макаров |
Libretto: Richard Wagner
Musical director: Manfred Mayrhofer
Director: Hans-Joachim Frey
Designer: Honoured Art Worker of Russia Viktor Volsky
Chorus master: People’s Artist of Belarus, laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Belarus Nina Lomanovich
Costume designer: Maria Volskaya
Lighting designer: Elena Kopunova
Computer graphics: Elena Akhremenko
Conductors: People's Artist of the Republic of Bashkortostan Artem Makarov, Vladimir Ovodok
Running time: 3 hours with two intervals
Sung in German with Russian surtitles
Premiere: 10 December 2013
Голландец – Станислав Трифонов
Даланд – Дмитрий Капилов
Сента – Елена Золова
Эрик – Александр Михнюк (1-е исп.)
Мэри – исполнитель будет объявлен позже
Рулевой – Юрий Болотько
Act I
A tempest drives the crew of Norwegian sailor Daland to a bay enclosed by cliffs. Suddenly a mysterious ship, the ‘Flying Dutchman’, appears in the distance. Its captain comes ashore; he has been accursed for his pride and condemned to everlasting wandering. Once in seven years he goes ashore in search for a maid whose love will redeem him from the curse. But all attempts are in vain: he fails to find a faithful heart, and his ghostly ship sets sail again. Neither the land nor the ocean can bring the Dutchman relief of his anguish.
The stranger asks to be sheltered and offers Daland countless riches. Daland rejoices at the chance to get rich and is glad to marry his daughter Senta to the sailor. The Dutchman has a glimmer of hope again: perhaps the girl’s love will bring him the long-awaited peace. Merrily greeting the tailwind, the Norwegian seamen are preparing for a sail. The Dutchman follows them.
Act II
At Daland’s house, Senta’s girl friends cheerily wait for the ship to come back. Meanwhile, Senta is full of thoughts about the Dutchman: the legend of the mysterious ship and its accursed captain was indelibly imprinted on her mind when she was a child. In a transport of delight, she looks forward to meeting the Dutchman and swears to break the spell.
Erik brings news of the arrival of Daland’s ship. Erik is in love with Senta and expects her agreement to marry him. Impressed by Senta’s words, he tells about his sinister dream: once a strange ship dropped anchor in their bay, and two men, Daland and a stranger, stepped ashore. Senta ran out to meet them and hugged the stranger. Now the girl is sure that she is fated to meet the Dutchman. Erik appeals to reason and promises to marry her, but the captain of the cursed ship occupies all her thoughts.
Senta and Erik’s conversation is interrupted: Daland and the Dutchman come in. The father merrily tells about his intention to marry Senta to the guest: he will never begrudge her presents and make a good husband. Numb with excitement, Senta and the Dutchman stand with eyes glued on each other. After a passionate explanation Daland gives the sweethearts his blessing.
The Norwegian seamen celebrate their safe return. They make several attempts to tempt the ship’s crew to join them, but their invitation is not accepted. Daland’s seamen mock the mysterious crew and frighten the girls by stories about the ‘Flying Dutchman’. Suddenly a storm breaks, and wild singing is heard from the deck of the ghostly ship. The Norwegians try uselessly to drown it out with their merry song and finally scatter in fear.
Learning about the betrothal, Erik begs Senta to forget her ardour and requite his love. But the girl doesn’t listen: she has made a vow, and now it’s a matter of honour. Erik reminds her about the days spent together and mutual declarations. The Dutchman hears their talk. He is enraged: Senta, like any woman, is not faithful, so he will never find repose! Despite her entreaties, the Dutchman orders his seamen to get ready for departure and goes aboard to continue roaming the seas. However, Senta remains steadfast in her determination to save the one who he has vowed fidelity to. Her love redeems Daland from the malison.